How great disadvantages of freelancing can change the future of work

Ella Reizevoort
3 min readJun 4, 2021


As a (starting) freelancer, have you ever made a list of the pros and cons of freelancing? How did that balance turn out? More cons than pros? And could you easily convert the cons into pros?

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Starting of as a freelancer, with a lot of working experience (15+ in year in commercial management), I saw a lot of advantages.

  • The flexibility, when and where I work of course; managing my own schedule. I can decide what job I want to take or not, and for whom I want to work.
  • Being my own boss, making my own decisions.
  • And as I’m an inquisitive person, I was really looking forward to experiencing different types of jobs and learning about different types of organizations.
  • The satisfaction of using all my knowledge and years of experience to help people and companies in developing themselves.
  • Finally, perhaps not for everybody, but Corona took remote work to the next level for me.

However… besides the advantages I also experienced some of the disadvantages (and I know now, a lot of freelancers do):

  • The fact that there is uncertainty about income and workload. It took me quite some time to get used to that.
  • Finding the right work-life balance. I don’t feel like I can close the door behind me at 5 o’clock.
  • The time it takes to find a next job. Marketing myself, signing up at websites, agencies and maintaining my network.
  • The online jungle with all the websites, platforms, agencies out there. I really had really no idea which platform, website or agency would work for me, besides the fact that I receive a lot of e-mails with job proposals that are mostly not a match.
  • Every time I have to sign up again and create a new profile and maintain it. If the profile doesn’t look good, or is incomplete, I feel I have less of a chance of getting hired or it may effect my earnings.

Some of these disadvantages even became frustrations for me. Every time I have to sign up, I need to create and maintain a perfect profile. The profile is the first impression employers have of me. My profile looks different on each platform, and the reviews I collect as a freelancer are posted to a specific platform and are not interchangeable, so not really mine. Shouldn’t these profiles and reviews be all about us as freelancers instead?

As a freelancer we already are entrepreneur of course, but I found out pretty quickly that besides the advantages of freelancing, I really like the freedom. I also wanted to start my own business, build and grow a company and experience every facet of it. And when I met my first co-founder, these 2 merged together.

The idea of doing something for freelancers was already there, but how and what we could do to reduce the disadvantages and frustrations, became clear after a while.

Wouldn’t it be great if we, as freelancers, only had to create one perfect profile, with interchangeable recommendations, verified skills, education and experience which is set-up the way it works best for you? And only we decide who sees al this information? And isn’t it clear that for different kind of freelancers, a different structure of one’s profile is important? When you are a designer, your portfolio is more important than your working experience, and when you’re a software developer, your hard skills are more important.

Freelancing will emerge more and more as a prominent way of working, the future of work will continue to change in a how we contract, but also in the way we work together, such as in flexible teams.

I truly believe that freelancing will develop in a very professional sense and that freelancers, as well as the hiring agencies and companies, will search for a match on different levels; core values, (hard and soft) skills, industry, experience, portfolio and in different combinations.

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